About Us

Our mission at TRI State Paws-Abilities Service Dogs Inc is to provide a highly trained and qualified service dog free, or at a minimal cost to persons with disabilities or impairments. Our dogs are trained to assist persons with a wide variety of disabilities and impairments, enhancing qualified recipients quality of life and the ability to obtain greater Independance. We support our service dog teams, helping them to form a deep human , animal bond and partnership.

We have a wide network of trained professionals and volunteers who help us evalute, train, foster and suport our dogs as they work toward become qualifed service dog canidates. Once trained qualifed and certifed to pass basic obiedience and public assess tasks. The dogs are matched with their human handler to learn task specific excersises that help their handlers specific medical or impairment needs. Handler and dog teams are them guided by a training specialist that helps them intergrate the dogs training and the handler task specific needs into their daily life and routines.

Our other goals are to Educate the general public About Service Dogs what they do, and their role in offering persons with disablities independece and better quality of life. We also educate about the human animal bond and how that bond can help individuals to live a more idependent and fullfing life.